Introductions Part 2

Hi Cheeky,
Well this should be fun, although I half expect Harry to show up every now and then and say "Shush Dragons!" if we get carried away! 

But anyway, who am I? Ahh, now that is a question. 

If I could be bothered trying to remember the philosophy I learned at uni I'd come up with some rambling thing about what people say we are, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that would be amused by that, so I'll give it a miss and actually explain who I am. 

I'm Anny, I'm 42 (yes really) going on 6, I'm Australian, the youngest of three children, and I live with my parents in a country town about two hours from Canberra. I actually grew up in Canberra, and then moved to Edinburgh, so this place is a bit of a change, but I'm happy here. It is a pretty friendly town and I seem to be involved with quite a lot of things, so that's nice. 

I used to be a teacher, but I had to give that away. I have depression (oh joy, oh rapture) and I was really struggling with my job. I love the kids and I love the idea of teaching, but I wasn't able to do all the other stuff, and I had to leave before the kids started to think it was their fault that I was a mess. So now I stay at home, do some volunteer work, and help my parents get along with their lives. Not that I'm sure they need as much help as they think they do. They're pretty incredible, but still, we take care of each other so that's good. 

My hobbies include knitting (I have sooo many unfinished projects, and a wonderful selection of hats that I've made myself), and also making cards that one day I might actually sell (I have enough to open a shop I think). I also love cooking. Whereas my parents cook so they can have food, I cook because I love the process. I love making cakes and biscuits, more than I like eating them, but thankfully my parents are always willing to step up and gobble things! But I also like trying new recipes, and I'll probably end up telling you more about the monthly international meals I make. That's something that started this year. Every month I've picked a national cuisine and I try out recipes. This month it's going to be Dutch food, and no doubt there will be lots of Orange tinted photos coming your way!

I also like writing. I have, I kid you not, maybe 6 novels bouncing around in my head. I need to actually get my act together and write at least one of them. It's embarrassing that I've had some of these ideas for so long and not done anything with them. But I'll get there. 

I'm also studying on line, a course in Digital Graphic Design. It's fascinating and I'm really enjoying it, but there is a heck of a lot of reading, and trying to figure out just how to use Photoshop and so on. Still, it's a good way to spend my time, and I hope to do something with that too. When I grow up. 

If I ever get around to actually doing that!

I love travel and I miss Scotland sooo much. I have so many places I want to visit, and hopefully I'll be able to tick them off my list eventually, although I'll need to figure out a way to fund them. I wonder if my kidneys might be worth anything? Hmm. 

Well that will do for me I think. I'm looking forward to this. Thank you for suggesting it. 

Love Dorky. 

P.S. We'll probably have to explain those nicknames one day hey? 


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